Business Sharks

Juan Correa stands out as a film director, producer and screenwriter


Published on: Dec 24, 2023

By CJ Rojas

Juan Correa, a talented audiovisual director with an impressive 18-year career in the film industry, has left an impeccable mark with his creative approach and exceptional skills. His career, which encompasses directing, producing and screenwriting roles, reflects his commitment to excellence and his determination to internationalize his work.

His training dates back to the Municipal Theater and Film Company (2005 – 2009), where he immersed himself in Theater and Film Direction. Subsequently, he honed his skills at the National Cinematography Center (2007-2011), covering key areas such as film direction, photography, sound, scriptwriting and editing.

In addition to his success in directing, Juan has shared his knowledge and experience as a teacher in film and theater, contributing to the development of new talents. His versatility as an actor has enriched theater and film productions, bringing authenticity and depth to each performance.

Featured Contributions

Juan Correa has left a significant mark on Shasta Producciones (2010 – 2023), standing out in various functions:

Short film “Los Retrasados” (2009): Film Director, Actor and Screenwriter.

Short film “La Bifurcación” (2012): Film Director, Actor and Screenwriter.

Feature film “Cabimas where it all began” (2012): Actor.

Short film “Libertad” (2015): Film Director, Actor and Screenwriter.

Documentary “Our History of Petroleum” (2016): Production Assistant.

Short film “Negrito Misterioso” (2016): Producer and Actor.

Advertising Spot “San Lorenzo” (2018): Cinematographic Director.

Professor of Film and Theater (2018): he taught the making of 20 student short films with a focus on values and moral principles.

The Movie “The Scream of the Mime” (2016 – 2023):

His masterpiece, “El Grito del Mime”, where he participated as a film director, producer and screenwriter, deserves a separate chapter. It stands out for its international focus, covering locations in Venezuela, Peru and the United States.

Juan Correa embodies the unique fusion of technical and creative skills, establishing himself as an outstanding audiovisual director on the international scene. His dedication and talent promise an even brighter future in the film industry.

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