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Exclusive Interview With Luis R Vizcarrondo Jr.

Today we’d like to introduce you to Luis R Vizcarrondo Jr.

It’s an honor to speak with you today. Why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. How did you get to where you are today?

I was born & raised in Cleveland, Ohio and seen first hand the good and bad of our city. As a Latino I’ve seen the struggle my parents went through and other struggles during the neighborhoods I got to live in the city. As the son of a 36 year bi-vocational pastor and State Tax Agent, meaning my dad never got a penny from the church and had to work his State of Ohio job to support us, showed me what true humility meant in life and service. If it wasn’t for my dad telling me to take any opportunity I could take I probably wouldn’t be where I am at and experienced life through different lenses. From volunteering in political campaigns at a young age, to be apart of the city club of Cleveland youth program, be on BBC radio in high school, advocate for the oppressed & voiceless, becoming a published author, and have had the opportunity to have been in public service via the federal government and gaining skills in private sector opportunities. Now, I am a bi-vocational pastor and community advocate working for the betterment of all. Having had the opportunity to be seen on our local ABC Channel 5 news taking on challenges and establishing programs to lift up others. Also, praying over the community during tough times as seen on WKYC and even being on CNN News for my aspirations to run for public office to really make a difference.

I’m sure your success has not come easily. What challenges have you had to overcome along the way?

I had some very dark moments in my life as briefly stated in my book overcoming your past and even giving a testimony to the State of Ohio in Columbus. From experiencing bullying in elementary school to high school, sexual molestation by a gang of girls when I was younger, and many more challenges. I’d say all these past, present challenges, only have helped me realize whether you prep a lot or don’t it’s a matter of adapting and confronting the challenges head on not holding on to them or going around them.

Let’s talk about the work you do. What do you specialize in and why should someone work with you over the competition?

As the bi-vocational Lead Pastor of Refine Church, community leader & advocate, author, and life coach, I’ve always loved working in the area of refining lives and communities in the hopes that the process becomes reciprocal. I take my background, unique skills, training, education, and life experiences and have culminated that into something where I can tailor to the sector or individual I am consulting, pastoring, or coaching. As a pastor I have also established partnerships and programs via our Church that are to help the betterment of the community and individuals because I want to be the change that I want to see and legacy I want to see left behind.

What’s your best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life?

Stop chasing money and start the sacrifices and grind it takes for the dream to become a reality. When you realize it, you live it, breathe it, and move with it. Eventually, everything else will come at its time. Patience and perseverance is key.

Speaking of success, what does the word mean to you?

Success is not what you can measure by material but rather by progressive impact that leaves a legacy. I’ve learned through history a legacy and power is left in the name not the title. You could have all the titles in the world but you would rather not your name carry life and legacy ?. Think about it, Martin Luther King Jr, Abraham Lincoln, and more carried weight in the name not because of immeasurable riches but the impact they made in society. I ask you, will your name carry on or be short lived ?

What’s next for you?

The next thing for me is to hopefully have a new book released in the future about my in depth life story. Continue serving others and maybe advise or work in public service once more. Also, the opportunity to share with the world what it means to refine lives and communities, leaving a legacy not based on titles but rather service to others and impact.

Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to learn more?

You will be able to reach out to me via

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