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Exclusive Interview with Lakendra Harper

Today we’d like to introduce you to Lakendra Harper.

It’s an honor to speak with you today. Why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. How did you get to where you are today?

My degree and background is in social work. In 2016 Myself and my best friend/business partner were let go from our jobs in case management. That experience led to out decision to pursue entrepreneurship full time. We owned a tax business and I have been practicing real estate on the side for years. We made the decision to focus on our business so that we would nomonger have the worry of someone “letting us go” and risking our financial stability and future. Each year has been better for us. We set new expectations and goals for businesses and push ourselves to learn more, create more, and think outside of the box.

I’m sure your success has not come easily. What challenges have you had to overcome along the way?

The fear of the unknown was a huge hurdle we had to overcome. Although we had owned our seasonal tax business for some time, and I’d been an independent real estate broker these endeavors were secondary to our steady full time jobs. It took time to wein ourselves off the dependable 2 week pay check we had grown accustomed to. It wasn’t until we really begin to challenge ourselves performance wise that we realized we had been doubting and short changing our abilities and skillsets for years in our previous case management positions. We had to let go of our self doubt and fight towards the finish line knowing we had no other option than success.

Let’s talk about the work you do. What do you specialize in and why should someone work with you over the competition?

I’m an entrepreneur. I co own a tax business and social media agency with my best friend. My real estate brokerage is my baby. I have an amazing team of realtors and I look forward to it’s growth. We specialize in guiding first time buyers through the home purchase process. We are a one stop shop. Trustworthiness and building relationships are key to my teams success. Our First Time buyers bootcamp is a game changer!! We educate buyers with the tools they need to prepare for home ownership.
Our credit repair program provides free audits and focuses on removing derogatory items thus increasing their score to qualify for home purchase. My partner lender provides an action plan to my bootcamper. Pre qualifies them when they are credit score ready and links them to grants and down payment assistance which greatly limits their out of pocket expenses to close.
And of course our tax business provides tax preparation and education to our bootcampers who may have more complex financial scenarios.

What’s your best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life?

Start with your strength and passions and build from there. I have a true passion to help and motivate others and I absolutely love real estate. My background in social work has helped catapult my career in real estate. I diagnose the current situation, identify the problem(s) and create an action plan that ultimately leads to my clients goal of home ownership. I now realize that though I’m not a social worker by trade, I practice social work daily as a realtor. I’m blessed to honestly feel that I’m operating in my passion and purpose.

Speaking of success, what does the word mean to you?

Success to me is waking up each day doing what you love and being paid to do it. Others should be able to feed from your energy and passion. Giving value and nuggets to your sphere. Those who are influenced by you feed off your success, they feel like they know you. They realte to you. Your cheers are their cheers. Success is not a one way path. I don’t succeed unless I’ve helped others around me to succeed!

What’s next for you?

I want to educate and motivate others on a larger platform. Trainings that promote the benefits of home ownership and real estate investing, as well as encouragement for aspiring entrepreneurs to keep going and not give up on their dreams of pursuing their business and passions.

Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to learn more?

I’m on Instagram @fivestarkendratherealtor
Fb@Lakendra Harper
And our business pages are @fivestarrealestatehtx
@fivestartaxservice TX
Our websites are as follows

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