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Dr. John Ughulu (Author & Speaker) Recently Launched A Self-Help Book Titled “The Morale Booster”

Today we’d like to introduce you to Dr. John Ughulu.

It’s an honor to speak with you today. Why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. How did you get to where you are today?

I remember being an extremely shy person who never wanted any public attention. Although, I had so much love and respect for orators but, oratory was way beyond my imagination for myself.

I knew i had a lot of wise content inside of me but, didn’t know how to get it out there because of my limiting beliefs.

As I grew older, wiser and more knowledgeable, my love for oratory increased but, my limiting beliefs were greater than my love for oratory. I always looked for an excuse to talk myself out of it. Back in the days, after engaging my mom and some other family members in controversial discussions, my mom would always say this to me; ” John, very soon, you will become a preacher. WAIT AND SEE!” I would always give them reasons why it wasn’t a possibility for me until I met Mr. Les Brown (one of the world’s greatest Motivational Speaker) who personally mentored me in oratory. Les Brown came into my life at the time I really needed his mentorship and coaching. My one-on-one experience with him changed the trajectory for me.

Today, I am an orator, I am microphone hungry, I teach people all over the world how to overcome shyness, I am doing what I love because of a single decision I made at some point.

I’m sure your success has not come easily. What challenges have you had to overcome along the way?

Shyness was a major limiting factor for me and for decades it prevented me from stepping into my calling.

I remember When I was a teenager, my mom would always call me and say; “John, I remember when I was pregnant with you, i was always having a particular dream and in that dream, I’ll always see a tall, dark-skinned man neatly dressed in a suit and this tall handsome man would always stand in front of an audience, holding a microphone and speaking to them.” Whenever my mom says that, I would immediately reply her saying; “Mom, if you are thinking that dream was showing you what I would become in the future, then the dream is wrong because, this young John you are talking to has no plans of ever speaking in front of a crowd.” I never imagined the possibility of doing what I do now because of shyness.

Luckily for me at some point in my life, I had the opportunity of working with one of the world’s best communication coach an mentor (Les Brown). He was able to help me overcome my shyness and armed me with Communication skills that no one can ever take from me.

Let’s talk about the work you do. What do you specialize in and why should someone work with you over the competition?

Dr. John Ughulu is an Amazon Best-selling Author of The Morale Booster, Motivational Speaker, Strategist and Trainer. John transitioned from “Shyness to a Public Speaking” and he is currently teaching people the strategies that helped him transition from Shyness to Public Speaking and also a best-selling author.

John is the founder/C.E.O of Mainseed Consulting Group, a Leadership Training and Development Consulting company that focuses on Global Change Leadership training and Certification. We also Train and certify Life Coaches and provide them with strategies on how to start their coaching business. John is also the creator of “Speak To Impact”, a platform that gives Speakers the opportunity to use their Speaking talents to inspire and motivate teams and individuals.

John is also the founder of John Ughulu Foundation, Inc., a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit organization providing empowerment for children and young adults between the ages of 8 to 22, through coaching and mentoring.

John is the host of a YouTube channel and a podcast titled: “The Morale Booster with Dr. John Ughulu”. It is a platform for Entrepreneurs, career professionals, leaders and the general public to give back to the society through coaching and mentoring.

John’s ultimate goal is to help 1 billion or more people understand that they were created on purpose, with a purpose, and for a purpose.

What’s your best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life?

My advice for readers who desire to find success is for you to always remember that you were created on purpose, with a purpose and for a purpose. You were created as a full package and you are an Abode of Greatness.

To help you take charge of your life, you must figure out the answers to these questions;

1. Who am I?

2. Why am I on earth?

3. Where am I going?

The answers to these 3 questions will change your life forever. It took some people weeks, months, and decades to figure out the answers. While some never figured out the answers in their lifetime.

Find a Mentor!

Speaking of success, what does the word mean to you?

Success to me is the ability to move from where you are with whatever you have, wherever you are, to where you want to be.

What’s next for you?

On 26-Feb-2022, we will be hosting “SPEAK TO IMPACT” event and it will be a LIVE in-person Conference of Inspiration and Motivation mixed with a lot of Entertainment. It will be an awesome event.

On 11-Jun-2022, I will be launching my next book on Entrepreneurship.

On 27-Aug-2022, we will be hosting the last “SPEAK TO IMPACT” event for 2022 and it will be a LIVE in-person Conference of Inspiration and Motivation mixed with a lot of Entertainment. It will be an awesome event.

The goal is to help 1 billion or more people understand that they were created on purpose, with a purpose, and for a purpose.

Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to learn more?

People can connect with me via my website:

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