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Business Coach Isaiah Grant Building World Class Sales Teams & Sales Leaders

Today we’d like to introduce you to Isaiah Grant.

It’s an honor to speak with you today. Why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. How did you get to where you are today?

Here’s my story – I grew up in a single-parent, low-income household, where my mom suffered from Diabetes, Kidney Dialysis, Liver Cirrhosis, Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, and more. Growing up, I had to learn to be resourceful, be an action taker, and build meaningful relationships. In 8th grade, I was diagnosed with diabetes while doing a year-long project on Diabetes in science class; at that moment my life drastically shifted to what I had thought at that time was the worst. While in high school, I hired a health coach who helped me grow mentally, spiritually, and also get rid of diabetes. In my senior year of college at UCONN, I had decided that I wanted to be my own boss. While working 6 years in the corporate world (post undergrad), I started and managed a digital marketing company servicing local businesses, where I mastered product management, marketing and sales. Eventually, I decided to take a leap of faith and go full-time into running my own business. I had shut down my digital marketing agency and became a business coach that has helped 100s of coaches, consultants, agency owners, speakers and authors drive massive impact and sales for the Kingdom. We do so through building world class sales leaders, sales systems, and sales teams.

I’m sure your success has not come easily. What challenges have you had to overcome along the way?

Story – “The Burnout”:
For a long time I struggled with wearing all of the hats. In 2020, as the CEO (chief everything officer), I reached a point in my life where I burned out and had to take time away from my business. I was working over 70 hours per week in the business. The burnout led to me stress eating, which led me to have flashback symptoms of diabetes. Once the doctor gave me the wake up call I spent 90 days restructuring my lifestyle habits once again. Eventually, God helped me fix my blood sugars through healthy eating and working out.

Being out of office negatively impacted the company; it had ill effect on our client fulfillment, sales, marketing, and operations. When I took a leave of absence, so did my impact and money. I had to take a solid 90 days off where I had ZERO sales and lost clients. What I learned from this is the importance of building a world class team, knowing your numbers, implementing key growth systems to get results without me “working in the business” and having a clear strategy/objective for each department. By focusing on these 4 things, our company has been able to help our clients generate 1+ million in sales and save over 1000+ hours “working in the business”. Now I am able to take 30 days off and know that my my team is high performing and getting world class results without me.

Let’s talk about the work you do. What do you specialize in and why should someone work with you over the competition?

The name of my company is Kingdom Impact. We specialize in helping coaches, consultants, agency owners, speakers, and authors drive massive impact and sales for the Kingdom.

Over the next 10 years, the company’s mission is to help 1,000 coaches, consultants, agency owners, speakers and authors turn their business into a workplace ministry that drives exponential impact and sales. We do this by building world class sales leaders, systems, and teams. We focus on helping business owners maintain their faith and focus on their zone of genius. This is where a leader is able to walk in purpose (meaning for life), passion (things you love), potential (vision for growth), and proficiency (gifts) that Christ has given them.

We’ve had clients scale to 10K-100K per month using our proprietary S.S.S.S. System. This system stands for Self Mastery (becoming a world class leader), Simplify (simplest direct path to 7 figures), System (Building world systems that get predictable and profitable results), and Staff (Building a world class team). We focus on helping you become a great leader, create a simplified strategy to grow to 7 figures, implement systems that get predictable and profitable results and build a world class team who can free you from the day to day “grind” of working in the business.

What’s your best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life?


Don’t compare your chapter 1 to someone else’s chapter 10. Some people have worked harder, smarter and longer. This doesn’t negate the fact that we all started as beginners. Remember why you do what you do; is it for money or to impact lives for the kingdom? Heart motive is important. Remember if your vision is small enough for you to do alone, then it’s not big enough. “Where there’s no vision, the man perishes.” – Proverbs 29:18

It’s important to get around world class people who’ve achieved what you want to achieve. Don’t try to guess how to be successful. Get into a mastermind, where you are surrounded with a coach and peers that can help you exponentially grow. We become the 5 people we hang around. Get around A players and you’ll become an A Player. Every level requires a new version of yourself. Focus on your vision and who you’re becoming in the process. It’s about the journey not the outcome.

Speaking of success, what does the word mean to you?

Success means becoming clear in your Christ given purpose, who you need to become to achieve that vision and purpose, showing up daily and leading well, sharing the good news to others, and giving so much value to the people you serve. Success is not money. Money is a by product of walking in who God had called you to be and what he had called you to do. Focus on those two things and watch how you are blessed by being a blessing to others.

We’re on a mission to help 1000 coaches, consultants, agency owners, speakers and authors transform lives and establish freedom, so that they can reclaim their time, regain their energy, impact the world, and generate more profit to do what they love to do.

What’s next for you?

Our mission for 2023 is to impact 125 coaches, consultants, agency owners, authors and speakers who want to drive more impact and sales. We will be doubling down on serving our customers with the upmost integrity, systems and strategies to help them exponentially grow. On the side I enjoy playing basketball in local city leagues. I’ll also be buying some more multi unit real estate properties. The team is looking to give a college scholarship and build a water well in Africa.

Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to learn more.

Instagram: isaiah_grant

Instagram: kingdomimpactco (FREE TRAINING – Get 1000+ Sales Appointments Masterclass)


FB Group (The IMPACT Coach):


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